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Irving Johnson High Seas Adventurer (1985) |
Irving Johnson High Seas Adventurer 1985 HD
Dated Released : 1985-03-28
Quality : BluRay | 43 minutes Minutes
Rating : 0/10 (0 Users)
Star : Irving Johnson
Genre : Documentary, History
Overview : High Seas Adventurer highlights Johnson's exciting life, beginning with his introduction to the sea aboard the PEKING in 1929. Around Cape Horn, a Mystic Seaport video released in 1984, chronicles that voyage on the Peking. Seven of Johnson's round-the-world voyages aboard the brigantine Yankee are charted and illustrated with National Geographic's striking footage of exotic stops in the South Pacific islands. Later, aboard the smaller ketch Yankee, we travel with the Johnsons through the inland waterways of Europe and up the ancient Nile. Captain Johnson's realistic yet openly optimistic view of life is captured, showing him to be a paragon of the sailor. Several members of the "family" crew recount how memorable it was to sail with the Johnsons, and relate their appreciation for the experience.
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